Open Access
Volume 11, 2019
Progress in Propulsion Physics – Volume 11
Page(s) 65 - 90
Published online 08 February 2019
  1. Altman, D., and A. Holzman. 2008. Overview and history of hybrid rocket propulsion. Fundamentals of hybrid rocket combustion and propulsion. Eds. M. J. Chiaverini and K. K. Kuo. AIAA progress in astronautics and aeronautics ser. Vol. 218. Ch. 1. P. 1–36. [Google Scholar]
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  9. Risha, G. A., B. J. Evans, E. Boyer, and K. K. Kuo. 2007. Metals, energetic additives and special binders used in solid fuels for hybrid rockets. Fundamentals of hybrid rocket combustion and propulsion. Eds. M. J. Chiaverini and K. K. Kuo. AIAA progress in astronautics and aeronautics ser. Vol. 218. Ch. 10. P. 413–456. [Google Scholar]
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  27. Paravan, C., A. Reina, A. Sossi, M. Manzoni, G. Massini, G. Rambaldi, E. Duranti, A. Adami, E. Seletti, and L. T. DeLuca. 2012. Time-resolved regression rate of innovative solid fuel formulations. Progress in propulsion physics. Eds. L. T. DeLuca, C. Bonnal, O. Haidn, and S. M. Frolov. Moscow: TORUS PRESS. 4:75–98. [Google Scholar]
  28. Maggi, F., S. Dossi, C. Paravan, L. T. DeLuca, and M. Liljedahl. 2013. Activated aluminum for space propulsion. Powder Technol. 270(A):46–52. [Google Scholar]
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  37. Risha, G. A., B. Evans, E. Boyer, R. B. Wehrman, and K. K. Kuo. 2003. Nano-sized aluminum, and boron-based solid fuel characterization in a hybrid rocket engine. AIAA Paper No. 2003-4593. [Google Scholar]
  38. Evans, B., N. A. Favorito, E. Boyer, and K. K. Kuo. 2004. Characterization of solid fuel burning rates in an X-ray transparent hybrid rocket engine. AIAA Paper No. 2004-3821. [Google Scholar]
  39. Sossi, A., E. Duranti, M. Manzoni, C. Paravan, L. T. DeLuca, A. B. Vorozhtsov, M. I. Lerner, N. G. Rodkevich, A. A. Gromov, and N. Savin. 2013. Combustion of HTPB-based solid fuels loaded with coated nanoaluminum. Combust. Sci. Technol. 185(1):17–36. [Google Scholar]
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  45. Sossi, A., E. Duranti, C. Paravan, L. T. DeLuca, A. B. Vorozhtsov, A. A. Gromov, Y. I. Pautova, M. I. Lerner, and N. G. Rodkevich. 2013. Non-isothermal oxidation of aluminum nanopowder coated by hydrocarbons and fluorohydrocarbons. Appl. Surf. Sci. 271:337–343. [NASA ADS] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  46. DeLuca, L. T., L. Galfetti, F. Maggi, G. Colombo, C. Paravan, A. Reina, S. Dossi, M. Fassina, and A. Sossi. 2014. Characterization and combustion of aluminum nanopowders in energetic systems. Metal nanopowders: Production, characterization, and energetic applications. Eds. A. A. Gromov and U. Teipel. John Wiley & Sons. 301–410. doi: 10.1002/9783527680696.ch12. [Google Scholar]
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