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The Application of Computational Thermo-Fluid-Dynamics to the Simulation of Hybrid Rocket Internal Ballistics with Classical or Liquefying Fuels: A Review
Thermal Property Enhancement of Paraffin-Wax-Based Hydroxyl-Terminated Polybutadiene Binder with a Novel NanoSiO2-Expanded Graphite-PW Ternary Form-Stable Phase Change Material
Thermal and Rheological Characteristics of Paraffin Based Fuel on Aluminum Particle Size for Hybrid Rocket Application
Seongjoo Han, Jinkon Kim, Heejang Moon, Junhyung Kim and Seungwon Ko Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers 22(2) 108 (2018)
Mechanical Modifications of Paraffin‐based Fuels and the Effects on Combustion Performance
Yue Tang, Suhang Chen, Wei Zhang, Ruiqi Shen, Luigi T. DeLuca and Yinghua Ye Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 42(11) 1268 (2017)
Macro- vs Microcrystalline Wax: Interplay of Evaporation and Decomposition under Pressure Variation