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Experimental study on energy saving and friction reduction of Al2O3-WBM nanofluids in a high-speed Taylor-Couette flow system

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Morphological classification of disintegration behavior of viscoelastic simulant gel propellant in coaxial streams

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A numerical assessment on heat transfer and flow characteristics of nanofluid in tubes enhanced with a variety of dimple configurations

AtaOllah Firoozi, Sahand Majidi and Mohammad Ameri
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Automated Characterization of Non-Newtonian Fluids Using Laboratory Setup

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Applied Rheology 30 (1) 39 (2020)

Microfluidic shear rheology and wall-slip of viscoelastic fluids using holography-based flow kinematics

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Physics of Fluids 32 (1) (2020)

Pipe diameter effect on flow and heat transfer characteristics of ammonia alum hydrate slurries with additives

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AIChE Journal 66 (2) (2020)

Optimization of the Gas-Extraction Process in a New Mud-Logging System

Daniela Martins Marum, Maria Diná Afonso and Brian Bernardo Ochoa
SPE Drilling & Completion 35 (01) 001 (2020)

Vector Flow Imaging of a Highly Laden Suspension in a Zinc-Air Flow Battery Model

Christian Kupsch, David Weik, Lukas Feierabend, et al.
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 66 (4) 761 (2019)

Phenomenological Based Soft Sensor for Online Estimation of Slurry Rheological Properties

Jenny L. Diaz C., Diego A. Muñoz and Hernan Alvarez
International Journal of Automation and Computing 16 (5) 696 (2019)

Numerical study of parameters affecting pressure drop of power-law fluid in horizontal annulus for laminar and turbulent flows

Hicham Ferroudji, Ahmed Hadjadj, Ahmed Haddad and Titus Ntow Ofei
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 9 (4) 3091 (2019)

Annular displacement in a highly inclined irregular wellbore: Experimental and three-dimensional numerical simulations

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Modelling the rheology and electrochemical performance of Li4Ti5O12 and LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 based suspensions for semi-solid flow batteries

Rémy Lacroix, Jordi Jacas Biendicho, Grietus Mulder, et al.
Electrochimica Acta 304 146 (2019)

Modeling of laminar flow in an eccentric elliptical annulus for YPL fluid

Ming Tang, Taiheng Zhang, Shiming He, et al.
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The Margination of Particles in Areas of Constricted Blood Flow

Erik J. Carboni, Brice H. Bognet, David B. Cowles and Anson W.K. Ma
Biophysical Journal 114 (9) 2221 (2018)

Design of underground mine voids filling operations in difficult flow conditions of fly ash – water mixtures

Grzegorz Strozik
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 174 012014 (2018)

Nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimator for Online Estimation of the Density and Viscosity of a Mineral Slurry

Jenny L. Diaz C., Carlos Ocampo-Martinez and Hernan Alvarez
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 56 (49) 14592 (2017)

Exact approximations for skin friction coefficient and convective heat transfer coefficient for a class of power law fluids flow over a semi-infinite plate: Results from similarity solutions

Amin Jafarimoghaddam and Sadegh Aberoumand
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (3) 1115 (2017)

The influence of shear-dependent rheology on turbulent pipe flow

J. Singh, M. Rudman and H. M. Blackburn
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 822 848 (2017)

A numerical model to predict surge and swab pressures for yield power law fluid in concentric annuli with open-ended pipe

Shiming He, Ming Tang, Jiyou Xiong and Wei Wang
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 145 464 (2016)

Bio‐lubricant flow behaviour in mini‐channels

Alaleh Safari, Nazanin Emami and Michel J. Cervantes
Lubrication Science 28 (4) 221 (2016)

Simplified surge pressure model for yield power law fluid in eccentric annuli

Ming Tang, Ramadan Ahmed, Ruchir Srivastav and Shiming He
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 145 346 (2016)

Modeling of yield-power-law fluid flow in a partially blocked concentric annulus

Ming Tang, Ramadan Ahmed and Shiming He
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35 555 (2016)

Pressure drop predictions for laminar pipe flow of carreau and modified power law fluids

Idowu T. Dosunmu and Subhash N. Shah
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 93 (5) 929 (2015)

Effect of lubrication layer on velocity profile of concrete in a pumping pipe

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Materials and Structures 48 (12) 3991 (2015)

Estimation of Flow Properties of Gelled Fuels with Regard to Propulsion Systems

Klaus Madlener and Helmut K. Ciezki
Journal of Propulsion and Power 28 (1) 113 (2012)