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Assessment of low‐frequency aeroacoustic emissions of a wind turbine under rapidly changing wind conditions based on an aero‐servo‐elastic CFD simulation
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A Hybrid Model Based on the Bifurcation Approach for Internal Turbulent Flow with Rotation and Streamline Curvature Effects
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Investigation of flow characteristics around a freely falling rigid sphere in a bounded fluid domain employing the shear stress transport k−ω improved delayed detached eddy simulation model
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '19
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Effects of platform sinking height on the unsteady aerodynamic performance of high-speed train pantograph
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Assessment of the SST-IDDES with a shear-layer-adapted subgrid length scale for attached and separated flows
The Study of Turbulent Fluctuation Characteristics in a Small Rotary Engine with a Peripheral Port Based on the Improved Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation Shear-Stress Transport (IDDES-SST) Method
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An Entropy-Assisted Shielding Function in DDES Formulation for the SST Turbulence Model
Comparison of Convective Flux Discretization Schemes in Detached-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows on Unstructured Meshes
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Validation of an IDDES-type turbulence model and application to a Francis pump turbine flow simulation in comparison with experimental results