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Design, Manufacturing, and Testing Process of a Lab Scale Test Bench Hybrid Rocket Engine
Grigore Cican, Ionut Florian Popa, Adrian Nicolae Buturache and Andrei Iaroslav Hapenciuc Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 13(6) 12039 (2023)
A short review of challenges and prospects of boron-laden solid fuels for ramjet applications
Hybrid Rocket Engine Noise: Measurements and Predictions of Acoustic Environments from Horizontal Static Fire
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Development of Green Storable Hybrid Rocket Propulsion Technology Using 98% Hydrogen Peroxide as Oxidizer
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Utilization of additive manufacturing in hybrid rocket technology: A review
On use of hybrid rocket propulsion for suborbital vehicles
Adam Okninski Acta Astronautica 145 1 (2018)
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Geoffrey A. Landis, Steven R. Oleson, Thomas W. Packard, Diane L. Linne, Jeffrey M. Woytach, Michael C. Martini, James E. Fittje, John Z. Gyekenyesi, Anthony J. Colozza and James Fincannon (2017)
Marco Ghilardi, Francesco Barato and Daniele Pavarin (2016)
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